Friday, December 9, 2011

21st century information-- Chrome apps

I grew up as a scientist... from the time I entered middle school (which they called junior high school), I was curious about the world to an extraordinary degree and I was enthralled by the tools and the ideas used by biologists and physical scientists to understand the world... and I still am.

Given this history, I actually like the periodic table (despite the fact that chemistry is my least favorite science... give my biology first, physics second, and if you can mix in some Earth science even better... chemistry not so much). It organized some very complicated ideas about the world around us and gives meaning to seemingly disconnected facts. As a teacher of the sciences, I get how the periodic table makes little sense when first introduced to it.

One of the great advances in humanity that we have had the pleasure of observing is the change from cumbersome and sources to highly mobile and easy to use sources... as an example, I point to the several periodic tables available via Chrome App and also via cell phone and every other mobile device...

Her is one that is an excellent example:

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