Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Keys to online learning

There was an article on eSchooNews yesterday about the keys to online learning... the advise seems safe, and not terribly insightful... but it also seems that educators and leaders who seek to initiate online learning seem to forget these keys:

Content-- Curriculum that has not been stripped of complicating factors is as important to online learning as it is for in-person classrooms. This idea is being packaged in many ways today (project-based learning and contextualized learning are the terms I have encountered the most in recent months).

Teaching-- Just as rich curriculum is key, so is rich instruction. Simple actions like developing prompts that sustain online discussions that give students a compelling reason to return to read the contributions of others later can make a big difference in how students perceive their online courses.

Technology-- This seems obvious, but it is frequently overlooked. Robust and reliable technology is key... can anyone say "cloud computing?"

Operations-- Who is responsible for which parts of the system should be clearly known to all... and this is a decision that must be made before beginning.

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