Thursday, March 31, 2011

While your are in Priovidence

Just a reminder... when you are at the Annual Conference in Providence next week, make sure to take the time to wander through the exhibitors... there are lots of folks who ready to support your middle school, take a few minutes and talk with these folks.

Also, plan to stop by your state reception. It is a great chance to meet the people who live near you who face the same challenges you do. (I actually met two different principals at a state reception in-- I think 1990-- and they both hired me. One to teach science a year 1992 and one to teach math in 1994!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, actually very interesting. I don't know how you managed to meet those people though. Seems like luck or even fate xD To be honest, i'm really anxious about finals so i decided to order a paper at turned out, professional writers are really helpful!
