Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Internet Privacy

As 2010 came to an end,several commentators were focusing on our privacy in the digital age. Most agree that the development of deep packet inspection and a business and regulatory climate amenable to unrestricted use of such technologies (and the information gleaned from the technologies) has for the most part ended any reasonable expectation of privacy.

For educators, privacy concerns are an important for several reasons:

First, we work with sensitive populations and with sensitive information about those populations. One sure way to maintain privacy when online is to be very careful about what we post when online. Of course, the real threat to privacy is not the actions we take (such as sending and email or posting online) but the actions that are taken without our knowledge.

Second, we have a duty to ensure our students are prepared to fully participate in the technology-rich communication world. Awareness of the potential hazards and potential use and misuse of information about them is necessary today and into the future.

Here are links to some of the recent stories that have piqued my interest...
Morning Edition
Scientific American

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