-- Gary Ackerman, Ph.D.
Begin forwarded message:
From: nelms@nelms.org
Date: December 11, 2014 at 10:07:56 AM EST
To: "Dr. Gary L. Ackerman" <gary@hackscience.net>
Subject: Weekly blast from NELMS for December 11, 2014
Reply-To: NELMS <nelms@nelms.org>
December 11, 2014 Blast E-mail Watch a Spotlight School receive the acclaim it deserves
On Wednesday November 19, 2014, Wamogo Regional HS hosted a Celebration of Excellence award ceremony to recognize the recent awards the school has earned. These awards include being named a 2014 Blue Ribbon School, a NELMS (New England League of Middle Schools) Spotlight School and a four time national award winning FFA Chapter. Congratulations Wamago! Click here to watch.
NELMS and Keys to Literacy Fall Literacy Event:
Essential Literacy Instruction for Middle
School TeachersJanuary 7, 2015
Wyndham Andover Boston
Andover, MA
A small investment in your time can result in developing student literacy skills that will last a lifetime.
Join us on January 7, 2015 for the second part of our workshop series – Essential Literacy Instruction for Middle School Teachers and learn how to immediately apply instructional strategies needed to develop effective student thinking, reading, and writing skills. These strategies are based on the most current research and give educators the tools they need to implement the Common Core.
The workshop series consists of four instructional routines – Comprehension, Close Reading, Content Writing, and Argument Writing. Discounts are available for attending multiple sessions or having multiple teachers attend from the same district.
The day consists of day-long instructional workshop options.For more information please click here.
NELMS Middle Level Scheduling Workshops
Challenged by your schedule?
Looking for ways to create a schedule that "works" for your particular school?
Then NELMS Scheduling Workshops are designed for you!Attend this workshop to:
gain information about components of a middle school schedule
look at a variety of schedule types
think about the pluses and minuses of your current schedule
take time to identify your school's non-negotiables
identify priorities
share challenges and solutions with colleagues
begin the work of revitalizing your scheduleJanuary 23, 2015–Medomak Middle School, Waldoboro, ME
February 6, 2015–Essex Middle School, Essex Junction, VT
April 9, 2015–East Lyme Middle School, Niantic, CT
For more information about these workshops and/or to register please click here.
NELMS Branded Clothing
For the Annual Conference this year the NELMS theme was "Magic in the Middle". Now you can own a bit of 'magic' with the purchase of a tee shirt, polo shirt, or fleece jacket with "Magic in the Middle" sewn on.
Click here to go to the NELMS bookstore and check out the styles.
Essential Literacy Instruction for Middle School Teachers
Keys to Literacy
Andover, MA
December 8, 2014
January 7, 2015
To learn more
click here
34th Annual Conference
Providence, RI
March 23 & 24, 2015
To learn more
click here
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